Poll: Are You OK with occasional weeknight D/H'ers @ 6:15 & 7:15 (2006 Rules attached!)
I need a quick YEA or NAY from you guys...
*** Are You OK with occasional weeknight D/H'ers @ 6:15 & 7:15 p.m. ???? ***
Simply YEA or NAY is fine, Okay?
THANKS! (Long-windedness alway fine in my book too!;-)
Simple majority will determine our vote, possibly tomorrow night!
? ALSO - IF anyone is OUT or BACK IN for 2006 please let us know ASAP!
- Big JOSE is BACK...
!!!!!!!! ;-)
--- TimmO'
Chicago Park District - Wicker Park 16" Softball League Rules for 2006
(NOTE: Rosters are due by Thursday, MAY 4th! 1st Game Forfeit & additional $40.00 penalty fee due by next following game if roster not in by May 4th!)
Phone # (312) 742-7553 • Good Luck to Everyone, Your Park Staff
1.) Offical A.S.A. 16" Softball rules will govern all play except where mentioned below. One and One count to begin play for all games.
2.) The use of drugs or intoxicating beverages before, during or after games is prohibited.
3.) Bats must be 34" in length or shorter with the barrel not to exceed 2 ¼ ", and taped.
4.) The "Avoid Contact" Rule will apply; slides deemed to be aggressive which may cause injury will be cause for ejection from the game and suspension. NEW: Orange safety bag on foul side of 1st Base Line must now be used by the running batter on a contested play at First Base (not necessary when rounding First Base on a single or better hit.)
5.) Courtesy runners will be declared, by captains, before the game. Unless players are injured during the course of the game.
6.) The "Slaughter Rule" will be 12 runs, after (5) innings or 4 ½ if home team is winning.
7.) 15 min. forfeit time on the first game of the day only. Teams must start with 9 players at game time.
8.) Rosters are limited to 19 players. All players must sign-in a minimum of half the games scheduled to be eligible for the Playoffs.
9.) Pitching- 12' arc maximum, 6' minimum arc: violation to be called in the air. Drag step will be permitted.
10.) If the pitcher or catcher play on a runner a ball will be awarded to the batter, unless the runner is ruled "Out", or on ball four.
11.) The runner on first base may advance to an unoccupied second base, if played on by the pitcher.
12.) Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Suspensions will be enforced on a case by case basis.
13.) Protest must be made within 24 hrs. of the game ending, along with a $25.00 fee.
14.) Any ground rules not mentioned or covered will be administered when determined by league officials with input from Team Captains if appropriate.
15.) Award distribution: $500.00 for Champions $200.00 for Runner-Up & $100.00 for 3rd Place. The regular season $200.00 for 1st Place in each of two divisions.
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