Friday, March 31, 2006

The downside of weeknight D/H'ers

Hey Hey Wickermen-

Here's basically what I've gotten back from my Gold Star guys:

They aren't against the two new teams PER SE, but they don't want the
additions to screw up weeknight games (due to the early game traffic-
delays, and the likely poor playing conditions as the late game
flirts with darkness... imagine: if we have an average amount of
rainouts, compounded by darkness postponements, and pissed-off 6:15
double forfeit re-schedules! Oyyy!)

So, as of now, after hearing their comments, to honor their wishes,
at our next meeting I'll likely propose another vote to modify what
we are currently doing:

KEEP the 14 teams, but NO weeknight Double Headers (Weekend D/H'ers
O.K., IF consecutive!)

• INSTEAD: simply reduce the amount of games to 14:

Play everyone else once- plus one more game- to get that 14th game
in guys vs. new guys... original teams play each other...
champs vs runner's up, against a classic-natural rival etc...

• AND: take the playoffs to a "round-robin" format, where it takes
two (or more) losses to eliminate you, and maybe sneak half of those
games onto a SATURDAY or two!


• This approach would compress most of the potential season-long
weeknight chaos we've invited into two nice dry, warm, bright and
sunny August championship SAT/SUN weekends!

• No extra work-related traffic stress/forfeits rushing to Wicker...
nor in-progress post 8 p.m. games postponed due to darkness... no
"crappy endings" on a squibb bloop single nobody can see due to the
"Gloamin'" darkness!

• And it guarantees ALL teams at least a second playoff game to try
and salvage their season, which might be nice for a change (believe
me we've all felt the pain of an "early exit", probably nobody more
than us "Old Scars"! ;-< )

Anyway, get back to us on how your guys feel about it (remember-
wouldn't it just SUCK to see CLEM proved right about this year's
experiments? ;-) Maybe we can hash things out / tweak it just right
so the next meeting will go so quick Clem will show up after we have
all left the building already!

Sincerely- Best wishes on 07 May right thru the Finals!

TimmO'Shady- Spitballer64 - `Old Scars

(P.S. - Below are forwarded some of my guys better comments... for
you to check out (with names deleted to protect the innocent/ Clem-
like! ;-)


Doubleheaders on Sundays would be OK if the team could play them back-

Weekday double headers I think would be a problem since the 1st game
would have to start & finish on time and we know how that goes!


I like doubleheaders, except when it's 97 degrees. I don't know how
well 7:15 start times will work, with no lights, even when the 6:15
games don't start late. And considering we often have only 4 players
by 6:25, how well would 6:15 work either?


"I like double-headers, makes the long journey into wicker more worth
Eugene O'Neill


I also think the weekday DHs will be problem. Kelly's
been proposing those since he went to 12 teams and the
idea never got out of the box before.

More forfeits with the 6:15s because people won't be
able to get there (traffic keeps getting worse);
On the 7:15s, games will be called early because of
darkness, some as ties (that could mean a makeup for
one or two innings).

Why funk up the schedule with weekday DHs just to
allow expansion teams?


The easiest solution is to forget about a 19-game "balanced" schedule
and go to 16 or 17 games.

Barring that, get rid of weeknight doubleheaders (there appear to be
24 additional weeknight games), add weekend doubleheaders, add an
extra Sunday game at 6pm (10 games added back), and finish the season
on Aug 13 instead of Aug 3.

Or any combination of changes: a 17-game schedule without weeknight
DHs and with games on Sundays at 6pm would end the season exactly as
is (24 games removed from weeknights minus the 14 games crossed off
the schedule minus the 10 games added to Sundays).

Think about the mass confusion that reigns in this league already,
and then add in 11 suspended games to reschedule (when?) and the
complaints of games ending in the 5th inning due to darkness.
Weeknight DHs won't work.


Back to the "unbalanced" schedule, 16-17 games instead of the "fair"
19: who cares much about what division you are in? Can anyone
actually recall who was in our division last year? The big teams
won't like it, but for the sake of the league it would be better to
go to more of an NFL schedule. With 14 teams, everyone plays every
team once for 13 games. For the final 3-4 games, forget about
division--the teams with the best records the year before should have
tougher schedules (i.e. play each other). Who is it fun for to watch
a top team run up a 25-2 score twice on one of the bottom dwellers?
It'll take some effort, but it isn't too hard (it's tricky with 7
teams per division): the first place teams in each division should
play each other, and so on for the 2nd place on down incl. expansion
teams (one add'l game). Then in each division, last year's first
plays 2nd, 3rd v 4th, 5th v 6th in one division, 5th vs EXP in the
other division, and EXP vs 6th across divisions (2nd game). Then in
each division, last year's 1st vs 4th, 2nd vs 5th, and again
variation at the bottom: 3rd vs EXP in one, 3rd vs 6th in other, 6th
vs EXP across divisions (3rd game). Something similar for a 4th game
also. It might not be as "fair" as a random schedule, but it would
make the league more competitive, and would add many more interesting
games. (The best teams will shine in the playoffs anyway.) Just
think if MLB tried something like this: instead of the 1st place
Yankees playing 19 games vs Tampa Bay, they'd play TB 13 games and 6
more vs the 1st place White Sox--maybe not more fair, but more fun.
Of course, if every team in MLB made the playoffs like in our league,
they might just do that, because whether the teams slipped to 2nd
doesn't matter much when they're playing Kansas City instead of Tampa
Bay in the playoffs.




IM IN !!


Sounds like too many teams combined with too many games = a season
that will drag on through Labor Day. I'm not sure anyone remembers
the weather in Chicago when they put these schedules together. You
can always count on at least 3 - 5 days of rainouts that will have to
be made up at some point. CPD must've been hit with some serious
budget cut in '06. Either that or they're pocketing a portion of the
fees paid by the teams in the league which is driving them into a
"Dennis Kozlowski" (TYCO) frame of mind where there's never too much
money. They either needs another field or fewer teams but they're
heading toward the softball equivalent of an O'Hare mishap with too
many planes trying to cross too few runways. Is there a 16"
equivalent of the FAA ? Regardless, count me in for whatever they
work out. God Bless ya' for sloggin' through the quagmire we call
Wicker Park Softball.



Jurors watch tape of Dennis Kozlowski's party on Sardinia - Oct. 29, 2003

Kozlowski (no relation to Coztello) for Gold Star social director!

Jurors see tape of Kozlowski's party
Prosecutors say half of $2M for the birthday party on Sardinia came from Tyco.
October 29, 2003: 6:37 PM EST

NEW YORK (CNN) - A tape of the $2 million birthday bash former Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski threw for his wife on the island of Sardinia three years ago was shown to jurors in Kozlowski's larceny trial Tuesday.

Jurors saw the 30-minute video of the 40th birthday party for Kozlowski's wife as part of a case that accuses him and former Tyco finance chief Mark Swartz of looting the company out of $600 million.

Tyco footed about half the bill for the party in Sardinia, which featured an ice sculpture of Michelangelo's David spewing vodka from his penis and a birthday cake in the shape of a woman's breasts with sparklers mounted on top.

Those and other saucy scenes were edited out of the video shown to jurors, who instead saw Kozlowski welcoming guests, toasting his wife and dancing to a performance by singer Jimmy Buffett. The tape also shows guests wearing togas and tight briefs. Buffett and his group were said to have been flown in at a cost of $250,000.

A scene from the $2 million birthday bash on Sardinia

Prosecutors have argued that the party -- which cost an estimated $2 million, half coming from Tyco (TYC: down $0.22 to $20.70, Research, Estimates) funds -- is evidence of Kozlowski making personal use of company money.

The defense has contended the trip was partly a business function and had fought to keep the jury from seeing the four-hour tape, saying it has material that is prejudicial to Kozlowski without adding anything to the charges he is on trial for.

"It's going to be a fun week, sailing on the Endeavor, tennis, golf, eating, drinking. All the things we are best known for,'' Kozlowski says on the video to the 75 guests arriving for a week of festivities.

graphic graphic graphic
Take a peek at the $2.1 million birthday party that former Tyco CEO Dennis Kozlowski threw in Sardinia for his wife's 40th birthday.

premium content Play video
(Real or Windows Media)

About half of the invitations went to Tyco employees, while the rest went to friends of Kozlowski's.

Kozlowski watched the video, along with a 20-minute display of still photographs, on a small monitor from his seat at the defense table, smiling and nodding his head at several different points.

Jurors showed little reaction, and many in the crowded courtroom appeared bored by the cleaned-up video of the birthday party for Kozlowski's second wife, Karen Mayo, at Sardinia's Hotel Cala di Volpe.

Austin Campriello, a defense attorney, tried to bring out testimony that the party also included key business meetings and that Kozlowski had no knowledge of plans for gladiators, chariots or "dancing around a pool.''

After the video and still pictures were displayed, Campriello asked former Tyco events coordinator Barbara Jacques whether it would "be correct to say that once the concept was given to you ... you ran with the ball without a lot of consultation with Dennis Kozlowski.''

Dennis Kozlowski
Tyco International Ltd.

"That is correct,'' said Jacques.

After the tape was shown to jurors, Kozlowski was heard telling reporters off camera, "It was a nice party, with nice people."

Kozlowski and former CFO Swartz each could face up to 30 years in prison.  Top of page

-- from staff and wire reports

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Poll: Are You OK with occasional weeknight D/H'ers @ 6:15 & 7:15 (2006 Rules attached!)

I need a quick YEA or NAY from you guys...
*** Are You OK with occasional weeknight D/H'ers @ 6:15 & 7:15 p.m. ???? ***
Simply YEA or NAY is fine, Okay? 
THANKS! (Long-windedness alway fine in my book too!;-)
Simple majority will determine our vote, possibly tomorrow night!
? ALSO - IF anyone is OUT or BACK IN for 2006 please let us know ASAP!
- Big JOSE is BACK...
!!!!!!!! ;-)
--- TimmO'
Chicago Park District - Wicker Park 16" Softball League Rules for 2006

(NOTE: Rosters are due by Thursday, MAY 4th! 1st Game Forfeit & additional $40.00 penalty fee due by next following game if roster not in by May 4th!)

Phone # (312) 742-7553 • Good Luck to Everyone, Your Park Staff

1.) Offical A.S.A. 16" Softball rules will govern all play except where mentioned below. One and One count to begin play for all games.
2.) The use of drugs or intoxicating beverages before, during or after games is prohibited.
3.) Bats must be 34" in length or shorter with the barrel not to exceed 2 ¼ ", and taped.
4.) The "Avoid Contact" Rule will apply; slides deemed to be aggressive which may cause injury will be cause for ejection from the game and suspension. NEW: Orange safety bag on foul side of 1st Base Line must now be used by the running batter on a contested play at First Base (not necessary when rounding First Base on a single or better hit.)
5.) Courtesy runners will be declared, by captains, before the game. Unless players are injured during the course of the game.
6.) The "Slaughter Rule" will be 12 runs, after (5) innings or 4 ½  if home team is winning.
7.) 15 min. forfeit time on the first game of the day only. Teams must start with 9 players at game time.
8.) Rosters are limited to 19 players. All players must sign-in a minimum of half the games scheduled to be eligible for the Playoffs.
9.) Pitching- 12' arc maximum, 6' minimum arc: violation to be called in the air. Drag step will be permitted.
10.) If the pitcher or catcher play on a runner a ball will be awarded to the batter, unless the runner is ruled "Out", or on ball four.
11.) The runner on first base may advance to an unoccupied second base, if played on by the pitcher.
12.) Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Suspensions will be enforced on a case by case basis.
13.) Protest must be made within 24 hrs. of the game ending, along with a $25.00 fee.
14.) Any ground rules not mentioned or covered will be administered when determined by league officials with input from Team Captains if appropriate.
15.) Award distribution: $500.00 for Champions $200.00 for Runner-Up & $100.00 for 3rd Place. The regular season $200.00 for 1st Place in each of two divisions.

World Baseball Classic ( Friarvision MONEY Shot)

Tom- (Stylin' & PROFILIN' !)
Couldn't you have put a few more on the board for our "Losing Ugly"
American Team? ;-)
And did you and Jake hook up and bury the hatchet (in Dontrelle
Willis' head?)

On Mar 29, 2006, at 11:07 PM, Tom O'Grady wrote:
> From the control booth at the World Baseball Classic Championships...
Visit OUR !
Post yer own thread via this address:
**** ****

Monday, March 13, 2006

"C-c-c-changes..." ;-

Re: [goldstarsoftball] Email list changes

Sorry, I must take lots of blame for this as I recently forwarded an e-mail to stoke the fyres once more... and added Jake, Tommy and Johnny to the mix...

I'd call for a vote if I wanted to be more prickish but don't want to lose anybody else to the e-deluges... we'll take it elsewhere...

There's always the 16 INCHERS blog and 16opinions e-mail pissing match list.. is the quick and dirty way to post a thread to the blog... please try it everyone... it's better than e-mail in some ways...!

Drop me a line if you'd like to be added back to to occasionally piss out the attic window like the Peter Finch in all of us occasionally need to do... ;-)


I'v got like a zillion free Google G-MAIL memberships I can send you to use as an alternative to cramming your current inbox... (it's a GREAT mail back-up alternative to bounce copies of all other messages from work and funb addy's one has as an emergency backup archive... very searchable and you can add wonderful "alerts" based on Goggle Searches of whatever you're interested in and viola it's there usually daily... two and a half gigs lasts a LONG time without having to delete stuff...

Holy Barstool- WWDS?? (what would DEIDRE (and D. Welles for that matter say?)


Let's relocate the urination nation over to another venue soon...

(But b.t.w. - did you see how the WBC UMPS ROBBED Japan of a sac fly go-ahead 4-3 lead in the 8th inning against the USA yesterday? Holy Sadaharu Oh in a negligee batmen- Japan got banged right in the kok! ;-)

- TimmO'


On Mar 13, 2006, at 4:22 PM, Tom O'Grady wrote:

I agree. I’m equally tired of my own bullshit and Jake. Please keep me off the list. I have a business to run.


Tom, with all due respect (and I do like you, but despise your constant pissing contest with Jake we are unwittingly dragged into), I believe you had sent a good riddance email last week. I am once again making a last ditch plea to keep this Goldstar Yahoo group email dedicated to communication specific to the upcoming softball season (Leftfielder Larry's out-of-left-field musings notwithstanding). In fact, as of tomorrow, you and Jake are removed from the goldstar list. Nothing personal, as I consider you friends, but good riddance indeed.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bracket Racket

Bracket Racket

Bracket Provokes Its Own Madness for the N.C.A.A.

By JOHN BRANCH - NYT - March 12, 2006

The bracket is the star. A road map of hypnotic, straight-line symmetry leading to the Final Four, it is revered for both its simplicity and its complex possibilities. When empty, the bracket stirs hype and imagination. When filled with 65 teams at their starting lines, it stirs even more.

Millions will watch the conversion today as the field for the N.C.A.A. Division I men's basketball tournament is revealed during an hourlong program.

Among the interested viewers, tucked emotionally between the teams and millions of eager office poolers, will be a loose army of people who see the unveiling of the bracket as the nexus of their lives, either personally or professionally, and sometimes both.

(continued in comments section...)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Re: [goldstarsoftball] definitely rambling

I had a feeling things would start percolating when I FORWARDED
Jake's WBC e-mail to Me (TimmO, TommO's younger bro...) (so sorry
Jake! ;-)

I do enjoy watching you guys mix it up here though!

If we played sauceball with this passion we would win Wicked Shark
eventually! The team that fights together often WINS together!

As for practice... per the BIGGZ there is allegedly a tournament THIS
SATURDAY MARCH 11TH at Olympia Park... maybe we could storm the
bastille and throw around out there (or somewhere) if the rain stays
away and the temps allegedly hit near 60... ? ? ? (but my bro and I
are tentatively scheduled to try and finally get to the thank you
cards and such from my ma's wake (double uber danke to those who were
able to make it!))

Here's the link to the blog thread (that blog that was s-u-p-p-o-s-ed
to cure these e-mail inbox blues...

(Here's a pic of the Jan GSS@YG.C "activity"... YIKES!

WHENEVER we do actually manage to practice I must insist we go with
the "3 OUTS" "Game-hitting/pitching" style practice used by Pimientas
last year and my bro's HUSTLER teams back when they were crazily
devoted teens in the 70's... we could even practice at an asphalt
covered school or parking lot if it stays a bit soggy by the
weekend... maybe use it as an excuse to have a post practice brewski
to ward off these last few dog days o' winter... ? ? ?


Olympia Park

Address: 6566 N. Avondale Ave.

(nestled between W. Devon, N. Ozanam (Canfield), and Northwest Highway )

Zip: 60631

Phone: 773-631-6861

And remember- you can effortlessly use

to send a NEW topic of discussion to the blog

at any time... official member or not... test it out soon!

---- TIMMO ------

Things that make you go....Hmmmmm

Top homerun hitters, ages 38-40
Ted Willimas: 1231 At Bats, 88 homeruns 1 everty 14 at bats
Willie Mays: 1298 at bats, 59 homeruns 1 every 22 at bats
Babe Ruth: 896 at bats, 62 homeruns 1 every 14.6 at bats
Frank Robinson: 1129 at bats, 61 homeruns 1 every 18.5 at bats
Hank Aaron: 1181 at bats, 94 homeruns 1 every 12.5 at bats
Mickey Mantle: retired just before he turned 38
and then there's
Barry Bonds: 1166 at bats, 136 homeruns 1 every 8.5 at bats

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Fwd: Yes, it was definitely worth it

Begin forwarded message:

Date: March 8, 2006 10:10:20 AM CST
To: Tim O'Grady <>
Subject: Yes, it was definitely worth it

33,000 in attendance to see USA vs. Mexico. I can tell you this, no one just going through the motions. They wanted to WIN! Peavy was throwing in the mid 90's as was Nathan (struck out the side).
It was an exciting game as USA won 2-0 on solo homers by Lee and Jones.
So, $25 to sit 9th row to see A-Rod (yes, is IS playing), Jeter, Lee, Winn, Utley, Peavy, Jones, Griffey, Fancouer, Damon, Barrett, Timlin, Cordero, Lidge, Young, Wells, Teixeira, and Schneider play.
 "I had more butterflies today than any playoff game or other game I've ever been in," said Team USA third baseman Chipper Jones.
Good feelings were seemingly all around on Tuesday. Anxious fans -- many of whom supported Team Mexico -- began filling the promenade outside Chase Stadium some three hours before the first pitch. They blew horns, rattled noisemakers, waved flags; did anything they could to express their excitement.
Some wore Mexican T-shirts, others draped themselves in American flags. Yet others covered their bodies in paint. It felt more like an international soccer match than a baseball game. Walking into one entrance an hour-and-a half-before the first pitch: a guy wearing a Derek Jeter Yankee jersey next to a guy wearing a Mike Timlin Boston Red Sox jersey. They gave each other five.
Two other fans with split affections, Chris Eleiott (Yankees) and Paul Adams (Red Sox), expressed themselves by covering their bodies in Wal-Mart house paint. The two college students from Olivet Nazarene University in Illinois were in Phoenix for spring break.
"I'm not quite sure everybody is as pumped up as we are," said Eleiott, a mini American flag painted across his face. "But we've been jacked about this for a while. It's sick. Have you seen the U.S. lineup? It's so sick. Ten to 20 years from now, this is going to be huge. And I'll be able to say I was at the first one." (and so was Jake).
"This was bigger than any World Series win I've ever had," said reliever Mike Timlin, who picked up the win. "This is my All-Star game, my Olympics, it's just awesome. I was watching Jake [Peavy] those first few innings, and my hands were sweating like I had dipped them in a bucket of water."
Timlin wasn't alone.
"I wanted to win this game with every single thing I had in me," Peavy said. "You don't understand -- you just don't understand what it's like when you put that uniform on. I've never had a better feeling in my life. It's the coolest thing I've ever done as a baseball player."
I could have paid $18 to have the same seats at HohoKam and see the Cubs lose to Texas 6-5 and watch: Wilkerson, Blalock, Nevin, Dellucci, Pierre, Pie, Perez, Walker, and Cedeno. I could have seen Maddux throw 2 innings, walk 3, and strike out one.

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Friday, March 03, 2006

Fwd: Wicker Parliamentary Filibuster Clash

Wicker Parliamentary Filibuster Clash

My bro Thom wrote privately, in an unrelated e-mail... 

"- How did the sauceball meeting go at the Wick?"

Oh, other than a typically angry MOE (U.N.) threatening an inebriated and typically wonderfully obnoxious CLEM (Phyllis')... it went swimmingly!

(Even before Moe got there, Clem help shoot my proposals down- but then we all scorched him on his wimpy/pointless NO STEALING second/NO PICK OFF'S pointlessness (said it slowed down the game too much...)

Reps from EIGHT teams (still expecting another 12 team league)

*******(I have the full rule sheet but my scanner is a little funked up- may have to type it out... remind me...)

I irritated most everyone with about a zillion comments, observations, proposed rule changes, etc ( none of which elicited any sympathy... YET! ;-)

NO allies for 


• UNLIMITED ARC/16-foot pitching

• No HOME-RUN LIMITS (Sorry Lars!)

There were a few issues upon which accord was reached...

• NO THURSDAY GAMES!!! (Kelli wanted/needed one day a week to sacrifice to the Tiny Tee-Ball Gods...) (I would have given Monday- no back 2 back games!)

• Tentative Sunday, MAY 7th STARTING DATE...

• We will use that additional orange 1st Base bag again for increased safety down the line...

• I got clarification on the EVENTH BATTER / "E.H." Extra Hitter - It's been legal for a while, but maybe the reason I didn't understand why we didn't use it is that if due to injury or substitution we fall to only ten players then that 11th spot draws an out every time it's turn is reached in the order... (was THAT why we never got our poor "man on the bubble" into the game ?)

The next meeting is in three weeks- Thursday, March 23rd... 

"VOTING" will take place on these topics (IF the team has their money in!): (talk about a "simple" majority... ;-)

VOTE 1: • WHICH playoff format- INTER-Divisional Brackets (1 & 2 get bye's- then 3 vs. 6 & 4 vs. 5 IN your own division) OR same format but pitted across the two divisions...

VOTE 2 • Looks like occasional DOUBLE-HEADERS!!! to balance out the NO THURSDAY games (but apparenty NOT two teams playing TWICE against each other??)

VOTE 3 • RE-introduce all of my fantasy island proposals!